Inaugural Blog Post on
Here we are, live from Valle Crucis, NC, at the Inaugural Blog of Thank you for visiting my blog. Please revisit often, as I hope to post about once a week or so – and I promise to not be long-winded like I am verbally… although… I do love the “stream of consciousness” style, a la William Faulkner. Ha! Beware! I also promise to not only talk about my book, He Gave Me Barn Cats, which is available now … although I do hope that many of you will reply to me to let me know your thoughts on the book, or on any topic you want to discuss.
Also: We’ll be adding more photos as the mood strikes!
One reader, Wanda Jordan, has read my book already, and she sent me this great comment:
I got your book today. It was here when I got home from work, so I took a quick shower, ate a bite and began reading. It was so good I couldn't put it down. Therefore, I've read it in one evening. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for Cat-Tales! Hearing your words and pain are so familiar to my feelings when I lost my mother.
Thanks again, Wanda Jordan! I hope to hear from more readers.
Take care for now, and remember: “If you don’t reach out, you don’t get treats.”